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Our webcomic is actually becoming an animation film!
Click here to have a look at our awesome project page!

Sponsor ZeMarmot in dollars! Sponsor ZeMarmot in euros!

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Hey all,

Sorry for the low update. We are reviewing a few of the fundamentals of the comic.
Anyway here is the new page. Don’t hesitate to comment and say what you think! 🙂

↓ Transcript
Waking up, Marmot looks at the leaves, then the sky, seeing again birds. Idea!

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December 31, 2015 0

Bonne année! | Happy New Year! | あけましておめでとう。



May 2, 2015 0

Crowdfunding for ZeMarmot Movie


And here it is, the crowdfunding for our 2D animation film!
ZeMarmot film crowdfunding

I hope you will appreciate our small teaser and support us for more!

April 8, 2015 0

ZeMarmot, the movie


Aryeom, ZeMarmot’s awesome painter artist is actually animator and film director from training. After some time, and traveling the world together for a few years, we decided that maybe an animation film would be a very good fit for ZeMarmot.

So, when we finally settled for longer than usual in France, we have worked for the last few months to prepare for an animation movie. The comic will likely come back after this, probably even with different stories of Marmot and his wanderings accross the world. But the movie has the top priority right now! Interested? Click to know more!
ZeMarmot Open Movie

We will soon run a crowdfunding campaign, stay updated by subscribing to the mailing list on the movie page!

September 17, 2013 Off

Crowdfunding for a Symmetry Painting Feature in GIMP


Hi all,

Today a small self-promotional message. As you may (or not) know, the Marmot comic is drawn on computer, with the GIMP software, a very fine software for image processing, painting and such. Well I also happen to be a developer on this piece of technical arts!
And I propose today to crowdfund a nice feature I discovered some month ago on another software, when we were at the Libre Graphics Meeting: symmetry painting.

Want to know more? Check this video, better than any speech:

Help Funding the Feature, click here!

August 26, 2013 Off

Working on the Comic Style


Hi everyone,

Sorry no comic pages this week!

As you know by now, the artist Aryeom is helping me to make this project into a real nice comic with better graphics style and even more: regularity and consistency. We uploaded earlier some illustrations to introduce the main character, Ze Marmot, lazy bastard marmot, because I really wanted to get something out soon.

But now the bulk of the comic has to start. And we are working on finalizing the script, the style of the art, but also: how do we want the story to flow?
Do I want more an illustrative flow, with bigger images, less narrative details, thus likely shorter comic? Or do I want a more typical comic, with more cases, and much more narrative details? You’ll have the response to this question next week! 🙂

As you can see, working with Aryeom has proved quite enlightning and interesting, because this is the sort of question I never wondered about comics before. Obviously it is different when you work with someone who knows better than you!

While waiting for next week comic page, here are some nice shots to show the work in progress.

Researching the best style for our main character.

Researching the best style for our main character.

The photograph on the right shows a research of character design, one of many, with various ideas: rounder or sharper drawing, big nose or not, long or short legs, different fur color for the snout or not, etc. So many choices! 🙂

2 examples of a page flow.

2 examples of a page flow.

The photo on the left demonstrates 2 possible flowing styles. The left version is more illustrative, bigger cases, more cuts and less intermediary details; while the right tells more useless but funny details (Marmot preparing itself, the burrow exit, patting dust off himself, etc.). Let me tell you: it is hard to choose what I want, because there is no wrong or right choice. And both styles have their good point.

Anyway just follow up and you should see how it went next week! 😉

January 4, 2013 1

Move it!


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April 1, 2011 Off

Je vous présente monsieur d’Avril|Meet Mr Fool.|こちらはフールさまです。




No this is not a joke! Marmot and his friend are just having some well-deserved rest time together…

Ce dessin ne contient pas de blague.

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March 29, 2011 Off

Brillante Journée!|Shiny day!|金な日!


So the guy who draws my wonder made an average of 2.41421 a year. And people dare say Marmots are lazy…

In Japanese, they say that's a sabotage…

Le mec qui dessine mes fabuleuses aventures le fait à une moyenne de 2.414214. Et les Marmottes seraient fainéantes?

En japonais, ils utilisent le terme français « sabotage » pour désigner une telle personne.



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